Paraic Kenny, Director

Data & Tools


Various computation tools with links to source code are described here:

InferAMP: copy number inference from clinical tumor sequencing report data.


Where possible, we provide links to the raw gene expression data or sequencing datafrom our studies:

Giricz O, Reynolds PA, Ramnauth A, Liu C, Wang T, Stead L, Childs G, Shapiro N, Fineberg S, Kenny PA and Loudig O. Hsa-miR-375 Is Differentially Expressed During Breast Lobular Neoplasia And Promotes Loss Of Mammary Acinar Polarity. Journal of Pathology 2011 (in press) [PDF].

Raw data at NCBI GEO


Kenny PA, Lee GY, Myers CA, Neve RM, Semeiks JR, Spellman PT, Lorenz K, Lee EH, Barcellos-Hoff MH, Petersen OW, Gray JW, Bissell MJ (2007) The morphologies of breast cancer cell lines in three-dimensional assays correlate with their profiles of gene expression. Molecular Oncology 1(1) 84-96 [PDF]

Raw data at ArrayExpress


McBryan J, Howlin J, Kenny PA, Shioda T and Martin F (2007) ERα-CITED1 co-regulated genes expressed during pubertal mammary gland development: implications for breast cancer prognosis. Oncogene 26(44):6406-6419 [PDF].

Raw data at NCBI GEO


Fournier MV, Martin KJ, Kenny PA, Xhaja K, Bosch I, Yaswen P and Bissell MJ (2006). Gene expression signature in organized and growth arrested mammary acini predicts good outcome in brest cancer. Cancer Research 66 (14) 7095-7102 [PDF]

Raw data at NCBI GEO


Kenny PA, Enver T and Ashworth A (2005) Receptor and secreted targets of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling in mouse mammary epithelial cells. BMC Cancer 5 (1) 3 [PDF]

Raw data from BiomedCentral